Carthusia Gelsomini di Capri Parfum
- In 1380, the father prior of the Carthusian Monastery of St. Giacomo was taken unaware by the news of the arrival of the Queen Giovanna D'Angio to Capri, and so made a flower arrangement with the most beautiful flowers of the island.
- The water was not changed for three days and, when the flowers were thrown away, the prior noticed that the water acquired a fragrance unknown to him. That water became the first perfume of Capri.
- In 1948 the prior of the Monastery discovered the old formulas of the perfumes and, by permission of the Pope, revealed them to a chemist of Torino, who created the smallest laboratory in the world and called it "Carthusia"
- Today, Carthusia still employs those methods once used by the Carthusian monks - hence the limited production.
- All Carthusia's preparations are made from the highest quality ingredients.
As is customary in the tradition of the brand which was created and developed on the Isle of Capri in Italy, the Island of the Mermaids, delicate sweet fruity notes are brought together in an intriguing fragrance which is fresh but persistent. A primary role is played by the Jasmine and Egyptian Geranium, combined with Clove and Ylang-Ylang from the Comoros Islands. The middle notes blend Zagara from Morocco with Cedar Wood from Texas, mixed and mingling, in an intoxicating climax, with the musky Amber notes of Bees Wax from France, Vanilla from Madagascar and Turkish Rose.